Why The Ultimate Finnish Notebook is a powerful tool for learning the Finnish language?
The Ultimate Finnish Notebook is a powerful tool for learning the Finnish language. By using It you will get more out of other language learning materials.
30 most common verbs in spoken Finnish
Suomen puhekielessä on paljon englannin kielestä lainattuja verbejä. Tästä syystä olen jakanut puhekielen verbit kolmeen ryhmään: englannista lainatut, muualta tulleet ja erikoiset bonusverbit.
Everything you need to know about Kalevala
In the past, stories and poems served as great entertainment, which were sung in celebrations, weddings, and funerals. Kalevala is the national epic of Finland, which consists of thousands of poems from the 19th century.
How to find local friends?
Friendship and good relationships with other people make our life better in many ways. In this article we talk about, how to find new friends if you are living in a foreign country and a culture.
Hike in The Urho Kekkonen National Park
Sami and Pekka went to Lapland for a hike. The trip included crossing ice cold rivers and conquering mountains!
Using WordDive for 30 days to learn Finnish
More and more people are starting to use modern technology for language learning. There are many apps that are designed for learning words in a new language.
100 most common words in spoken Finnish
I have gathered here 100 really common words in spoken Finnish language. Some of the words are so commonly used that one can easily begin to doubt whether this is spoken or written language?
9 tips to speak more Finnish
Best way to learn a new language quickly is to speak it as much as possible. The more you speak, the more you get training.
10 fascinating places in Helsinki that you won't find in travel guides
In this article I've collected the 10 most interesting places in Helsinki that you won't find in travel guides.
Learn numbers in Finnish
Numbers are everywhere! Numbers are one of the first things worth learning in a new language.
Master the Finnish alphabet
Sentences are made of words and words are made of letters. By learning Finnish alphabet your studies become much easier.